What is a good lead?

One of the best ways to get a great lead is to have a simple checklist in mind. Doing this will help you focus in on the right kind of customer prospect, because not everyone is going to be an ideal customer for you.

A great lead is….

  • A local person in the market for your service
  • Ready to buy within the next 30 days
  • When they reach out, they’re not instantly being sold to 5 other companies
  • Someone who has a good experience on the phone with you

The Home Advisor “Problem”

It stresses people out — every lead gets aggregated to multiple providers instantly. This isn’t a great buying experience for anyone — not the homeowner, not the service provider. It creates an aggressive sales atmosphere full of pressure.

How to Create Better Leads — Today.

One of the most overlooked aspects of marketing and lead generation isn’t social media strategy or bidding for keywords on Google.

Simply put, it is the customer experience.

This is where a lot of home service companies drop the ball.

A positive customer experience can drive more leads at a lower cost than nearly any other aspect of your marketing program.

  • Professional call handling
  • Using a script
  • Following through with any promises — if you say you’ll get back in 24 hours, do it. If you say you’ll be there at a certain time, get there. Nearly all home services companies generally lack in following up.
  • Do you follow up a first, second, and third time?

People get really busy. Sometimes, following up is the only way to close a deal, and your competitors aren’t doing this. If you automate your follow-up process, you will be literally light years ahead of the competition. Businesses in other industries have been doing this for years, and it really does work.

Learn more about managing customer relationships in our learning course on CRMs.