by Jessica Sanchez | Mar 23, 2020
When the homeowner is ready to move forward, they’ll start reaching out to contractors who they’ve been referred to or who they were able to find that fit their project qualifications.
by Jessica Sanchez | Mar 23, 2020
Here’s the step-by-step behaviors your customers are doing when they are making their home repair buying decisions.
by Jessica Sanchez | Mar 23, 2020
Home improvement projects are large, expensive undertakings that aren’t impulse buys. When today’s homeowner begins the research and budgeting phase, they don’t follow the same linear path they used to. Access to information on the Internet has drastically changed how a homeowner researches and starts forming digital relationships with companies he/she discovers during the search process.
by Jessica Sanchez | Mar 23, 2020
Marketing and sales strategies will come and go, but your company reviews are here to stay. Reviews matter to home pros more than ever before – check out how much with this chart.